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Current Projects
I am working on a draft of my comic dark fantasy novel Little Izzy and the Strange Man (working title). The story of a romance between a girl and her demon and his hellish mission to start the biblical apocalypse and her heavenly one to stop it. It all takes place in a small, haunted Wyoming town surrounded by thick forests chock filled with Cthulu-esque creatures. A fun time should be had by all.
I've been releasing funny Buffy the Vampire recaps on my personal Facebook page, just for the heck of it. I'm currently up to season 6.
I released my first chapter in my Books of Alice series on Wordpress back in 2018 and am working on getting more chapters on Patreon for per chapter purchase. The first is free, read it here [] which I am also podcasting can be found on Soundcloud (just type "Books of Alice - Alice Versus the Purple People Eater" into the search bar). My hope is to release online graphic pages for this - it'll be amazing!
I reimagined Buffy the Vampire Slayer with sweet and quirky Alice a Latina 20 something who is discovering that the real world is more complicated than she thought. She faces off the self-proclaimed Anti-Christ who has a beef with her that she simply can’t explain while she learns to navigate her new found powers as super hero the Huntress along with Adulthood – with a capital A! It’s a whimsical, humorous take on Dark Fantasy in modern day Seattle.
The next chapter will be coming out on Patreon in Spring of 2023! Look to this site for details.
I finally finished my final draft of my novel Insomniac, a comic, vampire Noir set in modern day Seattle and am sending it out to agents.
Private Detective Jack Morrish (a West Coast Harry Dresden with a slacker problem) has to find the missing son of an important local politician who was rumored to be mixed up with a nasty underground cult, even while his own child has gone missing, he's got just problem - he's recently become deceased and doesn't know how to deal with it.
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